
This side is for all  our friends, all over the world.



There is no border and no goverment, that can stop the feeling, that we have for you. We are sure, that the world should be better, if all people in the world should look at each other with our eyes.

The world would not be shaken and disturb in here rotation, but our laugh brings a little light, like a candle in  the darkness, to our souls!

Val and Ian:

Don`t hang the monkey. There are other important things to do. Keep well and please come again to Italy. The next street party is for you!

Judith and Denis:

We hope you have had a nice holiday in France. Next year, you will learn us the song from the monkey from Hartlepool!

Pat and Jeff:

Good luck for your boat and enjoy your life.

Ann and Liam:

When we sing a song, we can`t do this, without thinking to you. And I promise, we sing a lot of songs.


Vielen Dank für die kleine Quietscheente. Sie wird es gut bei uns haben und wir passen auch ganz toll auf sie auf. Wenn wir einen Namen für sie haben, dann lassen wir es dich per E-Mail wissen.
Vielleicht werden wir auch ein Photo von ihr veröffentlichen, an dieser Stelle, dein Einverständnis vorausgesetzt.

With over people in the world, this little list is not finished, but we are working for this.

We wish peace and love to all our neighboors in the world